
The Monarch

The Design and Decorative Art Museum, Rīga, Latvia

God Save the King!

The Design and Decorative Art Museum, Rīga, Latvia

Kitch My Ass!

The Afternoon Matinee VI

Flower-face Vase

The Harvest Vase

Westerwald Keramik Museum, Höhr-Grenzhausen, Germany

Dangerous Liaisons

The Kistefos Museum,in Jevnaker, Norway

Corona vase

Jānis Zuzāns collection, Zuzeum, Rīga

Romanov Vase

Private collection


The Fan vase

Private Collection 

Life and Death

Design and Decorative Art Museum, Riga, Latvia

The Medicine Vase

Rīgas Porcelāns Museum

The Tarp vase

Now and Then

Angels and Demons

Grab 'Em By The Pussy!

Piss Trump

Carouge Museum, Geneva, Switzerland

Tempest Trophy: Dishonoured Accomplishments

Flock Vase

Westerwald Keramik Museum, Höhr-Grenzhausen, Germany